Superhero hype supergirl stepmother
Superhero hype supergirl stepmother

superhero hype supergirl stepmother

Kara only stops the fight when she sees that it's putting Earth's indigenous population in danger (this happens at the Great Wall of China).


The battle rages from Russia and into China with neither gaining the upper hand and Kara learning how to use her new yellow sun-given powers as she went. They talk and he tells her that he's her grown up cousin, Kal-El, whom, from her prospective, she'd last seen on Krypton short days ago as a baby. Having arrived on Earth in the Russian tundra and having faced off against the armored soldiers sent to contain her, Kara is confronted by a flying man wearing her family crest and dressed in Kryptonian ceremonial battle armor of the kind she herself is wearing. A battle ensued, which Kara was winning, but then her cousin Kal-El showed up (better known to Earth at large as Superman). When their calls for her surrender got no response, they attempted to restrain her forcefully, and that's when sunrise happened and Kara discovered that she had heat vision in this 'dream' she was having. She didn't understand what was happening and assumed she was having a dream. Naturally, Kara did not understand their language in the slightest. Within minutes, she was confronted by a squad of Russian-speaking soldiers in high-tech battle armor.

superhero hype supergirl stepmother

Kara arrived on Earth in Siberia, Russia, and emerged into the frozen tundra. Kara was sent off to the Solar system where she would orbit Earth's sun for years, in stasis, until her pod would finally leave orbit and take her to Earth. Alura won, but was too late to stop the launch. Zor-El explained why he was doing it, but then her mother Alura arrived and fought her husband in an attempt to rescue Kara from his plans.

superhero hype supergirl stepmother

Kara battling the Russiansīarely hanging on to consciousness, she begged her father not to do what he was doing. She tried it on, but when she did, she fell unconscious because Zor-El had rigged it to cause that. He showed her to the pod, and inside was the Kryptonian ceremonial battle armor that she would have received upon completion of her trials. Zor-El brought Kara to his lab in Argo City under the pretext of giving her a present in honor of her upcoming trials. That being the case, he constructed a pod similar to the one his brother had theorized, but using Worldkiller technology and programming it to orbit closely around a yellow sun so that when she awoke, either because he and his wife woke her or because the time he'd allowed had run out, she would be powerful enough that she would not need to fear anything or anyone. Zor-El planned to save all of Argo City with devices disguised as power generators that he had convinced the Science Council to place around the city, but he was not willing to risk his daughter in that plan because he wasn't sure it would succeed.


Kara's trials were coming up soon, where she would take part in ceremonies and tests that would usher her into full adulthood in the eyes of Kryptonian society. He believed, where the Science Council did not, that the planet was dying. On Krypton, in Argo City, as the planet was in its last dying days, Kara's father, Zor-El, had taken his brother, Jor-El's research to heart. (in Supergirl #0, Nov 2012 and Supergirl #1, Nov 2011) Kara on Krypton There have been a number of others who have taken up her mantle though. This is the page for the 1st and current Supergirl, Kara Zor-El.

Superhero hype supergirl stepmother